Why do you still not have time?

“I don’t have time” is the most common excuse, but at the same time it is a viable excuse that means no more and no less than that we have reached a point in life where the day has too few hours. So why do we still not have enough time, even though we always try to use it productively? It may be that the reason for this lies in our organisation.

You are surrounded by distractions on all sides
Often, we completely ignore the time we set aside in our schedules for browsing the news, social media or simple entertainment. As a result, we don’t manage to do everything we planned at the beginning, even though we have laid everything out very carefully to the minute. Such distractions get in the way not only between tasks, but also while we are doing them, making the time we spend on them very long. If you are unable to give up reaching for your phone all the time, include time for this in your schedule. That way, you won’t lose precious minutes anywhere.

Planning too much or too vaguely
Often the biggest problem is with the plan itself. We may not realise how much a task will realistically take, so we manage to spend too little time on it. As a result, we don’t manage to get everything done, and this causes us frustration or discourages us from doing more. Sometimes the problem can be completely different and our plans are too general and do not tell us anything concrete after a while, so we do not know where to start or what we should actually do with a given task. Therefore, planning according to your capabilities is very important and we must not forget this important factor.

You spend too much time planning
Few people realise that planning takes up an incredible amount of time that could be spent in other ways. Sometimes we plan exactly those activities that will take us five minutes and not only are they not demanding for us at all, but we can easily do them without any plan. Many people, however, believe that a good plan is essential and every morning, instead of just writing down in points what needs to be done, they set a precise time for each activity and, on top of that, their course of action. Not only is this kind of wasted time completely unnecessary for you, but giving it up can actually add quite a few minutes to your day.

Why does a sedentary lifestyle harm us?

It’s not quite the case that every person with a sedentary lifestyle will feel the harsh consequences of working in an office in their old age, but a sedentary lifestyle affects us strongly. In addition to the purely physical problems caused by our own negligence, there are also mental problems that can arise if the consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is for us to neglect ourselves.

We live in a world where fast means best. We care about promotions and living comfortably in the time we have left after work. Many of us don’t even think about any physical activity, often giving up even going for a walk with our dog because, after all, there is a garden or other household members can go out with them. This only leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which starts to affect us at an early age. Our backs ache, we get breathless after climbing the stairs when the lift breaks down, and on top of that we feel that our lives are devoid of meaning and happiness.

Physical problems arise through the way we treat our bodies. We sit at a desk at work for eight hours a day and hardly anyone keeps an eye on their posture during this time. Added to this are the quick and often unhealthy meals that we can prepare quickly for ourselves or are cheap. We do not take care of the absorption of any vitamins or ingredients because we do not notice their deficiency on a daily basis or we effectively ignore it. And we are weakened and tired all the time, because man is not designed to stare at a monitor and sit all day with breaks to get to our car door.

Mental problems are also a serious matter. They result not so much from a sedentary lifestyle, but from our approach to it. If we don’t find time for loved ones or doing the things we love, we begin to sink into a sense of hopelessness. Lack of vitamins and getting out in the sun can contribute to our depression, and the constant feeling of being overwhelmed only makes it worse. It’s a growing problem today, but no one has the time, desire or money to go to a specialist and start working on themselves. And the psychological damage can be much more destructive to us than the physical damage.

How to improve your presentation in three steps?

The presentation on the day of the speech must be perfect. The better we perform against others, the better we will be judged and remembered. Once it is finished, it is worth reviewing it again and thinking about whether there is anything we can improve and thus bring it to perfection. Very often we don’t realise that our presentation could have been better until we see it, and many people simply save and close the file when they have finished it.

Avoid transition effects and animations
A common mistake we make is to overuse all the possibilities offered by the software we use to make our presentation. We can easily observe this at school, but it also happens at professional conferences. We may think that animated transitions or pictures flying onto the screen one by one look really good and add depth to our presentation, but in reality they only take away from its seriousness. It is better to avoid them whenever possible. This not only saves the time of the people you are giving the presentation to, but also avoids a lack of professionalism.

Choose better quality photos
When you have finished your presentation, be sure to see how it looks on a larger screen. We mostly work on laptops or small monitors, so we can’t see exactly if the photos are of good quality. If our presentation is to be projected onto an entire wall in a conference room, all its shortcomings will come to the surface. It is better to include fewer pictures, but of really good quality, than to fill the presentation to the brim with them, while making it impossible for anyone to tell what our graphics represent. Quality is very important for the reception of our presentation.

Don’t forget to edit the text
The masses of people forget how important it is to edit our text. Pasting it from Wikipedia or another ready-made source does not guarantee that there will be no errors, and it will be easy to recognise that the author is not us, but an encyclopaedia. Therefore, when you have finished your work, read through everything again in a calm manner. Rewrite the text in such a way that you will think you have written it yourself. Eliminate any grammatical or punctuation errors. If you are not sure that the whole thing sounds logical and makes sense, ask someone to read it and determine what is wrong with it.

What is the shelf of shame?

Surely people who read as a hobby have heard the term more than once. Often, however, it is not explained in detail, with the result that more and more people use it in the most varied contexts, depending on what it suits them. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, because the message is mostly very clear, but this can make us forget what exactly the expression “rack of shame” means.

Who can talk about the shelf of shame?
Contrary to appearances, this term does not only apply to those people who keep physical books on a physical shelf. Importantly, this ‘shelf’ does not realistically have to be a shelf at all; it could just as well be a pile stacked on a bedside table or on the floor by the bed. It can also be a term we use when we have a lot of e-books on our virtual shelf on the reader or in the app that have not yet been moved. If we buy audiobooks, we can also safely apply the term to them, although there are some people who don’t look at audiobooks as real books, and listening to them in their eyes doesn’t count as much as reading the original, but book snobs don’t bother.

What is the shelf of shame about?
“Shelf of shame” is a commonly used term for a certain number of books, usually quite a large number, that we have bought with our own money with the idea of reading them as soon as possible after purchase. Unread books stand on our shelf of shame and remind us every day of the money we spent on them and the lack of time to read them. In theory, therefore, this does not include books we received as gifts or books we bought with the idea of completing a collection or by having a nice cover. However, there are some people who use this expression to collectively describe all the unread books we keep at home, regardless of their origin or purpose of ownership.

How to get rid of the shelf of shame?
The only proven way is to stop buying new books and focus on reading the ones we already have. In all this, limiting your collection is very important. If we keep buying new items all the time, our shelf of shame will only start to grow. It sometimes happens that this becomes a very unhealthy habit that we realistically have to start fighting against. On top of this, we also need to count opportunities against intentions. If we don’t have time to read books, there’s no point in buying new items with the idea of reading them as soon as possible. It’s a waste of our money, plus recurring remorse.

Can studying destroy your relationship?

High school relationships don’t always last forever. We break up because we each want to live somewhere else, we have different plans for our lives or something happens at our studies that makes us start to doubt the point of our relationship. It’s during this period that most relationships from school end, which often works out for the best, but sometimes destroys the relationship that was our happiest part of life.

You will definitely meet new people
College isn’t just about flying out of the nest, it’s also about entering a whole new environment. You’ll meet loads of new people who will be on your level. They’ll be interested in the same things, have similar views and approaches to the world. Contrary to appearances, it is not opposites that attract us the most. In such a place, it will be very easy for us to become infatuated with someone and to doubt the sense of our current relationship. After all, we will see that we can afford something better, that this person from our high school is not necessarily as brilliant and handsome as we previously thought, and therefore no longer as attractive.

Going away can complicate everything
Leaving for university is a very serious step and many relationships do not go through it successfully. Sometimes we leave with our other half, but in most cases, when she is not going to study, we leave her behind. This is very problematic right from the start. We feel that we are developing and moving forward, while our partner is left behind. And very often this is exactly the case, because he goes to work and focuses on surviving it, he doesn’t learn new things and doesn’t think about developing in the future. And, after all, it is for him that we go away to study and accept more years dedicated to learning.

Sometimes our view of relationships changes
Studying is a mass of time, especially if we fully commit to it. We meet new people and their way of looking at relationships. We ourselves may come to completely new relationships. Perhaps you will see the fact that your partner has stayed in your hometown as a fear of change, which will put you off him. Or you may start to notice other qualities about him that you don’t want in your life. During your time at university you will change a lot, you will grow and develop, you will enter fully into adulthood. And this is always followed by a new way of looking at what surrounds you and what you want from life, and maybe your partner won’t be able to give you that.

Ecology – how not to lose yourself in caring for the planet

It is no longer a conspiracy theory, it is a sad fact: our planet is slowly dying, and the main reason for this is us humans. Not only through climate catastrophe, but also through a lot of rubbish, especially plastics, deforestation or often excessive water consumption. Many of us are therefore opting for an ecological lifestyle. Sometimes, unfortunately, we go into overdrive and forget what it is really all about….

Ecological gadgets (not) necessary
Many of us start our green adventure by getting ourselves a gift of an eco-friendly substitute. The truth is, however, that every new product we buy can be an additional burden on our planet. Every industrial production uses huge amounts of water and contributes to carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere. Therefore, before buying an eco-friendly gadget, it is worth checking the conditions under which it is made. It may be completely unprofitable from an ecological point of view to replace the products in our immediate environment.

Organic diet detrimental to health
Every body is different and everyone needs a different diet. Therefore, it can sometimes happen that our body starts to rebel at some change in the diet. Remember that when you don’t feel good about a new diet, you can always give it up. Even if you are following it for the good of the planet! You may think that the possible health problems are worth relieving her of excess production or animal slaughter, but sometimes you just have to stake your claim. Especially since you can make it up to the Earth on other levels, and it will certainly be more grateful to you for it than for putting your own wellbeing at risk.

Expensive but eco-friendly
It is a very common mistake to spend masses of money on seemingly economical solutions. However, it is important to remember that if we cannot financially afford something, we should not buy it. There is no point in wasting our savings, brutal though it may sound. Everyone should help the environment, but within their means. Therefore, we need to be conscious of our finances. Nor should we support any organisation fighting climate catastrophe or animal slavery if we simply cannot afford it.

Signals that your friendship is falling apart

Every now and then, we are forced to break contact with someone with whom we have got on really well in the past. Sometimes, however, this happens completely out of our control, even if we don’t want it to. Our childhood friendships simply stop working as they did in our school days. A friendship falling apart is easy to spot, you just have to keep an open mind and prepare yourself for the sad discovery.

You no longer talk as freely as you used to
It is very easy to know the quality of our friendship by the way we talk to each other. If in the past you were able to talk about everything, but now you don’t know what topics you can bring up so as not to upset or offend the other person, this could be a sign that your relationship has deteriorated. This could be due to a long gap between one meeting and another, a complete change in your character or simply growing up. When the conversation stops getting sticky, you start avoiding meeting up for coffee or going out, thus starting to distance yourself even further.

Someone has already taken your place
In a friendship, it’s usually the case that two people really like each other and want to spend time with each other, while everyone else is there for the taking and either only one person likes her and the rest tolerate her, or everyone likes her as a good friend but she’s not as close as a real friend. You may find that you have become estranged in your group of friends. Perhaps someone for you has become closer than your childhood best friend. This is the natural course of things, we look for people who are more in tune with our character or behaviour, and so we change our group of closest friends, but it can also lead us to break up our friendship.

You envy each other
Jealousy is a very powerful emotion that often causes us to start hating the person who, until a few months ago, was most important to us. It spoils relationships in families, so it should not surprise us that it can lead to the breakdown of friendships. Jealousy is often out of our control, but we are able to maintain it in ourselves on purpose. We can be jealous of a life partner, professional success or decent money. When it occurs, it will always sooner or later lead to a frosty relationship with the person, even if we try to pretend that everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about.

Voodoo dolls despcription

Vodoo spells- description – love spells reviews

In the Voodoo cult, there is, indeed, a belief in Bon Dieu or one God, however, you do not worship him as the concept of Deus Otiosus. The basis of the cult are “rituals of possession”, in which drums play an important role, with the help of which complex polyrhythms are won. With these, participants enter a trance, during which LOA possesses one or more people. In the language of the followers, it is then said that “Loa is riding his horse.” These individuals have usually been previously initiated into the cult or have a specific predisposition to enter trance.

The HOUNGAN or shaman-priest or MAMBO or shaman-priestess have great knowledge of the lives of the LOA and how to contact them. They are also the focal points of the SOCYETE, or “community of believers” in Voodoo, without which rituals cannot take place. Each LOA has its own distinct VEVE symbol painted with chalk on the ground before the ritual begins. 

The most important Voodoo deities are:

OXALA – the god of mercy appearing in the form of Jesus,

SZANGO – the god of the storm, in the form of John the Baptist,

PAPA LEGBA – the god guarding the boundary between the world of the living and the dead, in the guise of St. Peter,

OGOUN – the god of war,

ERZULIE – goddess of love and fertility,

DAMBALLAH – the serpent god, in the guise of St. Patrick.

Among the followers of Voodoo there is also a belief that through magic it is possible to revive the body of the deceased and make it, for example, work in the fields as a kind of organic automaton – ZOMBIE. A given person becomes such a Zombie as a result of being poisoned with a special kind of poison prepared by a BOKOR, or sorcerer. However, this is not an element of worship, but an ingredient of folk beliefs that has no connection with proper worship. The poison, known by Voodoo worshippers as “zombie powder,” mainly contains tetrodotoxin, which “kills a person.” – In case of poisoning, only the brain works, but death can be pronounced. After a certain period of time, the toxin stops working. The powder also contains the botanical substance “Bielun,” which makes a person susceptible to allusions and requests.

American pop culture has popularized a myth according to which followers of traditional Voodoo use so-called Voodoo dolls – Voodoo Dolls – to cause pain to the people they represent, or to bring illness to them. In fact, puppets / figures representing LOA spirits are placed on the altars of traditional Voodoo. Haitian Voodoo is also known for the practice of attaching puppets to trees in cemeteries as a method of communicating with the world of the dead. “Voodoo dolls,” on the other hand, are used in the practices of so-called Louisiana Voodoo, also known as New Orleans Voodoo, which is also a mixture of the beliefs and spiritual practices of Haitian Voodoo and “Hoodoo Magic” centered in the Mississippi River Delta area.

These dolls most likely have their origins in the early 20th century. In the first decades of this century, these dolls were used as a tool of sympathetic magic. Driving the pins was not meant to cause pain in a particular area of the real person’s body, but rather to enhance the power of the spell being cast. 

Followers of New Orleans Voodoo distinguish between white and black magic. Hostile use of dolls is considered a form of black Voodoo. In most cases, practitioners use dolls for purposes such as healing, finding true love, spiritual guidance or as a meditation tool. Thus, dolls sold in local stores are usually meant for good purposes, or as mere souvenirs for tourists.

The sun and the moon-the most important celestial bodies

The sun and the moon-the most important celestial bodies

The sun and the moon, as two of the most powerful celestial bodies affecting our existence, have always fascinated man. When he reached a certain level of mental development, this fascination took an artistic form, and in a much later period, also abstract and theoretical. Astrological considerations about the influence of the Sun on the fate of boys just born and the Moon on the fate of girls probably fall into this category.

It turns out, however, that these two celestial bodies may have inspired the creation of several huge prehistoric structures scattered around various regions of Europe. Some of these structures served spiritual purposes in times even more ancient than those remembered by the Egyptian pyramids.

According to researchers who study the history of these objects and analyze the development of human societies, the prehistoric works of human hands left behind testify to major social and civilizational changes. A careful analysis of climatic data suggests that these changes of a social nature, lasting from our perspective for a very long time – several decades – were associated with the end of the last ice age. The extinction of large animals – a constant source of food – forced the people of the time to gradually shift from a hunter’s lifestyle to a sedentary existence and learning to farm. This transformation of civilization and society did not happen overnight, but was a long-term process spanning millennia. When people finally decided to stay with farming, they felt this change not only on a non-physical level, but also on a mental level. What does this actually mean? Agriculture forced a more monotonous, not to say boring, lifestyle. Our ancestors longed for the mobility and adrenaline provided by hunting really big game, such as mammoths. This was the only life they knew, they had been functioning this way for millennia. The change in the way of life, forced by circumstances, made the earlier nomadic life turn into a memory, then it became a legend, and finally – the basis of the beliefs of those people. At the same time, they most likely associated this their former and forever lost way of life with the influence of the moon. This is suggested by research on the untouched by modern civilization Bushmen tribes of the Kalahari desert. In their stories, myths and beliefs there is a constant theme of great hunting and references to the lunar calendar and a lifestyle centered around it. In the Bushmen tribes, who can be regarded as the last living examples of an ancient way of life, there is equality, with a subtle indication of the importance of the role of women. This leads one to conclude that also in communities constantly on the move, living from hunting, women were also linked to lunar influences. The shift to a sedentary life dependent on farming caused a shift in emphasis. More important became the Sun with its life-giving energy and the strength of the male element, simply the male physical stamina indispensable for the hard work of harvesting.

The seasonality of agricultural work meant that during the period when the land rested, people did not really see how to channel the excess energy. Simply put – they had no work for themselves. This made them yearn all the more for the more varied, exciting lifestyle of their ancestors, which had meanwhile become the basis of their beliefs. So it was decided that this ancient nomadic mode should somehow be immortalized, commemorated. Various communities really did, with tremendous effort and time and effort put in, construct remarkable burial sites of their loved ones, which later inspired Celtic culture. These include Newgrange, “irl. DĂșn Fhearghusa – one of the largest corridor tombs erected by man (…) Even more surprising and astonishing are the megalithic places of worship of the old and new order. The best known, though not the only site of its kind, is Stonehenge (few know that it is “younger” than the Newgrange structure by about 700 years). The generally known thesis is that Stonehenge was meant to be a place to specifically celebrate the summer solstice, with the winter solstice a close second.

Meanwhile, new theories suggest that this mysterious monument from the ancient past may have served a dual role – as a place of worship for both the Sun and the Moon. The Sun symbolized a new era (a new way of life), while the Moon symbolized a memory of old times. People were attached to this memory the more strongly they realized that past history was gone irretrievably. The clever positioning of the huge stone blocks used to build Stonehenge produced a significant, spectacular effect. During the winter solstice, the moon would appear to those gathered in such a way that it was in a “window” of stone blocks just above the space occupied by the sun. For those gathered, this was a symbolic sign that the Moon was towering over the Sun – if only for a moment. It meant that despite the dramatic changes they had experienced, “their” beliefs had not lost their power. This gave them a sense of security and gave them encouragement for the future.

Symbolism of magic flowers

Symbolism of magic flowers

Flowers – they can be called the most subtle of messengers – by their very appearance, delicacy, finesse they arouse feelings in the gifted person. It would seem that nothing but the fragrance attributed to them can emphasize their charm more. However, man, an extremely clever creature, has given some of them additional attributes, and all of them have been assigned secret meanings. Don’t believe it? Find out by reading on. Here are just some of the inhabitants of the incredibly diverse floral world:

Anemone – according to legend was created from the body of the tragically deceased lover of the goddess Venus- Adonis. In the secret speech of florists, it means, among other things, attachment to someone’s soulmate, to whom it is usually given.

Pansy – according to legends, during his lifetime he was a good, sensitive to human injustice son of an extremely cruel heir. He was supposedly killed when he took a stand for his oppressed subjects, which provoked a fit of anger in his parent. The clearing where he was buried was very quickly covered with these flowers. In florist-speak, it symbolizes delicacy

Imperial crown – was also reportedly the only flower that refused to bow to the suffering Christ, heading to the place of execution. It was only with another stern look that the flower “became ashamed”, burned with a blush, that is, took on a more intense color, and laid its petals down like a panicked horse’s ears. Such an unusual appearance has remained with him to this day.

Chrysanthemum – according to stories from Japanese culture, is the flower of eternal imperishable love, and each of its many petals is supposed to signify one year spent together by lovers. In our country, too, in the secret speech of flowers, it points to eternity. The white chrysanthemum is supposed to assure someone that the giver binds warm affection to her. Yellow – suggests not love, but jealousy.

Cyclamen is a harbinger of the final end of love and inevitable separation.

Chicory – according to legends, the blue petals of chicory are said to quietly tell of the misfortune of a girl whose heart broke from grief after the death of her beloved in distant lands.

Violet – as they say, created from the tears of Adam, despairing after the loss of Paradise. It is a sign of modesty and quiet but strong feelings that the giver has for the recipient.

Hyacinth – named for six young men who became victims of the jealous and possessive love of Zephyr, the Greek god of wind. Zephyr, whose favor Hyacinth rejected, choosing Apollo, took revenge on both lovers. When the two were practicing a discus throw, Zephyr so directed the air currents that the said disc struck Hyacinth, causing wounds that proved fatal. The distraught Apollo turned drops of his beloved’s blood into a flower that made both the name and the sad story famous.

Mistletoe – is definitely a plant with a positive, not to say kissable, message. It too derives from myths, evoking the joy of one of the goddesses, Freya, upon recovering her son, whom she managed to resurrect after three days of effort. The legends say that Freya offered a kiss to every person she met for three days after this event. People said it would probably be nice to continue this friendly gesture. Thus was born a custom by which we can offer or steal a kiss from someone if we spot even a sprig of mistletoe nearby.

Lily of the valley – symbolizes delicacy and beauty, and can be given to someone who has captivated us with their outer and inner beauty.

Lily – stands for beauty and dignity. It was one of the royal symbols in France.

Lotus – in India it is believed to have arisen from the blood of the gods, is a symbol of harmony, beauty, perfection. The lotus flower is readily used as an image to show the beauty of the balanced state of mind that can be achieved through meditation. In the voyages of Odysseus, eating the lotus flower resulted in a complete loss of memory and no desire to return to one’s former life. There are references to the lotus flower as a term for one of the positions in yoga and intimate living.

Forget-me-not is meaningfully the opposite of the lotus. It is meant as a constant reminder that the one who received the forget-me-not is someone very important to the giver.

Rose – beautiful, subtle, romantic elegant depending on the color, it can be a messenger of fiery love(red), shy behind the invitation to her (white) a subtle suggestion in the style: you like me (tea). There are about seven thousand varieties of roses. The Persians exceptionally loved these flowers, they even established a Rose Day.

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